bet365网址-最新官方入口-全球领先博彩平台 讲师;博士研究生;哈尔滨工程大学学士学位、 首尔大学硕士学位、 UST(KAERI Campus)博士学位。
[1] Xin-Guo Yu, et al., Ki-Yong Choi,“Systematic Analysis of a Station Blackout Scenario for APR1400 with Test Facility ATLAS and MARS Code from Scaling Viewpoint,”Nuclear Engineering and Design, 259(2013): 205-220.
[2] Xin-Guo, Yu, Ki-Yong Choi, et al.,“MARS-KS Code and Sensitivity Analysis of a Pressure Wave Propagation Test Performed in the PMK-2 Test Facility,” Nuclear Technology. 19(2015): 136-150.
[3] Xin-Guo Yu and Ki-Yong Choi,“Systematic and Exact Scaling Analysis of the Single-Phase Natural Circulation Flow: The hydraulic Similarity,”Progress in Nuclear Energy, 89(2016):78-87
[4] X. G. Yu, and K. Y. Choi,“A theoretical model for the single-phase natural circulation flow rate and its assessment against the ATLAS test data.”Progress in Nuclear Energy,97(2017):133-138.
[5] X. G. Yu and K. Y. Choi, “Heat Transfer Scaling Analysis of the Single-Phase Natural Circulation Flow,”Applied Thermal Engineering, 126 (2017): 237-244.
[6] X. G. Yu, “Experiment and Analysis of LOCAs with Different Break Sizes of DVI Line for APR1400 using SNUF,” Master Degree Thesis, Seoul National University, Korea (2010).
[7] X. G. Yu, “Theoretical Scaling Analysis of the Single-Phase and Two-Phase Natural Circulation Flow for Reactor Safety Analysis,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Science and Technology (KAERI Campus), Korea (2016).
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