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②参与国家环境保护标准制修订项目:《应急监测中γ核素分析方法》(项目编号:2018-58),是2020年4月发布的环境保护标准《应急监测中环境样品γ核素测量技术规范》(标准号HJ 1127-2020)的主要起草人;

③参与国家环境保护标准制修订项目:《就地γ能谱测量技术规范》(项目编号:2018-59),是2020年6月发布的环境保护标准《就地高纯锗谱仪测量土壤中γ核素技术规范》(标准号HJ 1129-2020)的主要起草人。


[1] C.X. Yang, Y. Wu , Z.H. Liu, H. Chen, Y.D. Li and S. Liang. Application of spectrum smoothing to improve the accuracy of atomic inner-shell ionization cross sections impacted by electron near the threshold energy [J]. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, 538:227-231, 2023.

[2] H. Chen, Y. Wu*, Y. D. Li, C. X. Yang, Z. H. Liu. Computed corrections for recollision effects on ionization and x-ray production cross sections obtained in positron-impact studies [J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2023, 203:110632.

[3] Z. X. Ke, Y. Wu*, M. Pan, S. Liang, M. X. Xu, Z. Zhao, B. Y. Wang and P. Zhang. Analysis on components of characteristic X-ray yield of pure thick targets by positron impact near threshold energy [J].  Europhysics Letters. , 2021, 133:43001.

[4] S. Liang, Y. Wu*, Z. Zhao, X. G. Xia, Z. X. Ke, M. Pan, B. Y. Wang and P. Zhang. Measurement of K-Shell ionization cross sections of Al by 4–9 keV positron impact [J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2021, 180:109321.

[5] Z.Y. Zhang, Y. Wu*, S. Liang, Z. X. Ke, X. G. Xia, B. Y. Wang* and P. Zhang. Online measurement of the intensity of keV positron beam [J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2020, 171:108698.

[6] Y. Wu*, Z.Y. Zhang, X. G. Xia, M. X. Xu, C. H. Chang, S. Liang, Z. X. Ke, B. Y. Wang* and P. Zhang. Experimental study on the Ag L-shell X-ray production cross-sections with thick-target method induced by positrons up to 9 keV [J].  Europhysics Letters. , 2019, 127: 53001(7pp).

[7] Y. Wu*, Y. Liang, M. X. Xu, Y. Yuan, C. H. Chang, Z. C. Qian, B. Y. Wang, P. Kuang and P. Zhang. Thick-target-method study of Mαβ X-ray production cross sections of Pb and Bi impacted by positron up to 9 keV[J].  Phys. Rev. A , 97(3):032702 (7pp), 2018.

[8] Z. C. Qian, Y. Wu*, C. H. Chang, Y. Yuan, C. S. Mei, J. J. Zhu and K. Moharram. Feasibility study of thin films deposited on self-supporting carbon grid substrate target on the measurement of atomic inner-shell ionization cross sections impacted by 3-30 keV electrons[J].  Europhysics Letters. , 118: 13001 (7pp), 2017.

[9] Y. Liang, M. X. Xu, Y. Yuan, Y Wu*, Z. C. Qian, C. H. Chang, C. S. Mei, J. J. Zhu and K. Moharram. Lα and Mαβ X-ray production cross-sections of Bi by 6-30 keV electron impact[J].  Radiation Physics and Chemistry , 141:17-21, 2017.

[10] C S Mei, Y Wu*, Y Yuan, C H Chang, Z C Qian, J J Zhu and Khalid Moharram. Measurements of K-shell ionization cross sections of Al and L-shell X-ray production cross sections of Se by intermediate-energy electron impact[J].  J. Phys. B: At.Mol.Opt. Phys. , 49: 245204 (6pp), 2016.

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