bet365网址-最新官方入口-全球领先博彩平台 副教授;法国艾克斯马赛大学与法国核辐射防护和核安全研究院(IRSN)联合培养博士。
① 作为课题负责人,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:高压气体环境颗粒流堵塞机理研究;
② 作为课题负责人,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于非局部本构关系的沙漏流运动机理研究;
③ 作为课题负责人,主持国家重点实验室开放基金:气溶胶颗粒物的静电损失和扩散效应研究;
④ 作为课题负责人,主持中央高校基本科研业务面上项目:极缓慢颗粒流堵塞行为研究;
⑤ 作为主要完成人,参与法国核辐射防护和核安全研究院(IRSN)严重事故RIA研究项目。
[1] Y. Liu, T. Liu, D. Lu, D. Duan and Y. Zhou*, ‘Fluid added mass for free-clamped coaxial cylinders coupled by fluid gap’, Annals of Nuclear Energy(2022), vol. 177, 109290.
[2] Y. Zhou, P.-Y. Lagrée, S. Popinet, P. Ruyer and P. Aussillous, 'Gas-assisted discharge flow of granular media from silos', Physical Review Fluids(2019), vol. 4, 124305.
[3] Yixian Zhou. 'Analysis of the granular pressure and velocity field of hourglass flow based on the local constitutive law', Acta Phys. Sin.(2019), vol. 68, No. 13, 134701.
[4] Y. Zhou, P.-Y. Lagrée, S. Popinet, P. Ruyer and P. Aussillous, 'Experiments on, and discrete and continuum simulations of, the discharge of granular media from silos with a lateral orifice', Journal of Fluid Mechanics. (2017), vol. 829, pp. 459-485.
[5] Y. ZHOU, P. Ruyer and P. Aussillous, Discharge flow of a bidisperse granular media from a silo, Physical Riview E, 2015.
[6] M. Creyssels, S. Prigent, Y. Zhou, J. Xin, C. Nicot and P. Carriere, Laminar heat transfer in the “MLLM” static mixer, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 81:774-783, 2015.
[7] Y. ZHOU, P. Aussillous, P. Ruyer, P.-Y. Lagrée. Discharge flow of granular media from silos with lateral orifice and injection of air, Powders and grains, 3-7 July 2017, Montpelier.
[8] Y. ZHOU, P. Aussillous, P. Ruyer, P.-Y. Lagrée and S. Popinet Discharge flow of granular media from silos with lateral orifice,24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 08/2016, Canana.
[9] M. CREYSSELS, S. PRIGENT, Y. ZHOU, J. XIN, C. NICOT, P. CARRIERE(2013). Etude de l’efficacité thermique d’un échangeur chaotique SFGP 2013, Lyon, France.
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