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长期从事实验核物理与探测技术研究,(1)主持开展缪子成像关键技术,地球中微子以及中微子原子核相干散射等前沿科学研究工作。在缪子探测和成像技术领域积累了丰厚技术和经验,深度参与了美国布鲁克海文实验室的缪子探测器研制及法国国家科学院的缪子火山成像实验。在国内率先开展缪子成像关键技术研究和实验探索,形成了独特的、国内领先国际先进的大尺度,多场景,缪子成像方法和技术能力。(2) 地球中微子交叉学科团队国内发起人负责人, 2013年开始从无到有,组建了一支由7家单位构成的粒子物理和地球物理交叉前沿学科,开发了网格化、大数据采样和建模方法,以及能谱与方向联合拟合新方法,预测了江门中微子实验站(JUNO)的地球中微子的探测潜力,将测量精度从25%提高到6%,为将来JUNO取数后能占领国际领先地位培养了人才队伍以及分析基础;
[1] 国家自然科学基金委,重点项目,《超低阈值(sub-keV)气液两相TPC探测器的关键技术研究》, 主持 328万元
[2] 科技部,重点研发计划,《高精度反应堆中微子与天体中微子物理研究》,课题负责人 460万元
[3] 中煤科工集团西安研究院,横向课题,《高能缪子监测新技术研究》,课题负责人, 500万
[4] 军委科技委,国防创新特区,《空间环境复合探测关键技术和原理样机研制》, 主持 90万元
[5] 军委科技委,国防创新特区,《小型化、低阈值、高灵敏度中微子探测机制探索研究》, 主持 60万元
[6] 装备发展部,核技术基金,《中微子应用在**的可行性研究》, 主持 46万元, 2019-2020
[7] 装备发展部,信息局,《高速X射线探测器》,参与,70万元
[8] 国家自然科学基金委青年项目《基于GRPC新型高颗粒度强子量能器读出系统的研究》,主持24万元 2015-2017
[1]Lingxin Chen, Lijun Zhang, Yaping Cheng, Imad Laktineh, Ran Han*, Monte Carlo simulation for background noise study of the Wudalianchi volcanic density imaging, NIMA Volume 1048, 167971(2023).
[2]Ran Han*, ZhiWei Li, Ruohan Gao, Yao Sun, Ya Xu, Yaping Cheng, Guangzheng Jiang, Jie Pang, Fengcheng Liu, Andong Wang, Yufei Xi, Liangjian Wen, Jun Cao, Yu-Feng Li,Expected geoneutrino signal at JUNO using local integrated 3-D refined crustal model,//
[3]Lingxin Chen, Lijun Zhang , Guanying Wang, Daogang Lu, Xiaoping Ouyang, Ran Han*, Imaging multi-materials tightly combined objects by applying grey relational analysis in muon tomography, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 154 ,104416(2022).
[4]YaPing Cheng, Ran Han*, ZhiWei Li, JingTai Li, Jiajun Li, WenQiang Gu, XiaoPing OuYang, Bin Liao. Experimental density radiography of Wudalianchi volcano with cosmic ray muons, NST,volume 33, 88(2022).
[5]J.Li, Z.Li, R.Han*, Y.Cheng, X.Mao, L.Yu, X.Feng, B.Liu, L.Jiang and X.Ouyang, Investigation of structures in tunnel overburdens by means of muon radiography, JINST, 17 P05029(2022).
[6]L. Chen, L. Zhang, R. Han*, Y. Cheng, and I. Laktineh, “Monte Carlo Simulation for Background Noise Study of the Wudalianchi Volcano with Cosmic Ray Muons”, Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science, vol. 2022(2022).
[7]Yao Sun, Ruohan Gao, Zhiwei Li Andong Wang, Ran Han, Yufei Xi, Jingao Liu ,Composition and evolution of continental crust at orogenic belts: constraints from a 3-D crustal model of Southeast China. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth (2022)(1区)
[8]张建鸣,李志伟,刘芳, 李景太,冒鑫,程雅苹,王晶,庞捷,冯鑫茁,倪四道,欧阳晓平,韩然,多重库仑散射对小尺度物体缪子透射成像精度的影响,Acta Phys. Sin., 72(2): 021401(2023)。
[9]Gao R H*, Li Z W*, Han R*, Wang A D, Li Y F, Xi Y F, Liu J G, Mao X, Sun Y, Xu Y., JULOC: A local 3-D high-resolution crustal model in South China for forecasting geoneutrino measurements at JUNO. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2020, 299 106409.
[10]Han, R*, Yu, Q, Li, Z, Li, J, Cheng, Y, Liao, B, Jiang, L, Ni, S, Yi, Z, Liu, T, Wang, Z. Cosmic muon flux measurement and tunnel overburden structure imaging. Journal of Instrumentation 2020 15(P06019).
[11]冒鑫, 韩然*,李玉峰, 地球中微子能谱计算及初步高阶修正.原子能科学技术,第54卷第8期(2020).
[12]Mao, X, Han, R*, Li, YF Non-negligible oscillation effects in the crustal geoneutrino calculations. Physical Review D 2019 100 113009.(1区)
[13]Wang Guanying*, Zhang Lijun, Chen Lingxin, Song Wengang, Li Qiang, Zheng Zhanqi,Han Ran, Ouyang Xiaoping, Neutron energy spectrum reconstruction using 2-D track scintillation images of recoil protons.NIMA 943: 0-162445(2019).
[14]Han R*, Niu Y L, Li Y F, et al. Geo-neutrino: Messenger from the Earth’s interior (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2018, 63: 2853–2862, doi: 10.1360/N972018-00444
[15]Beacom, John F Physics prospects of the Jinping neutrino experiment . Chinese Physics C, 2017, 41(2): 0-023002. (2区)
[16]Ran Han*, Yu-Feng Li, Liang Zhan, William F McDonough, Jun Cao, Livia Ludhova Potential of Geo-neutrino Measurements at JUNO, CPC, 2016, 40(3): 033003-1-033003-8.(2区)
[17]R.Han*, J.Y.Yan, G.F.Tian, Z.C.shen, B.Liao, Q.Liu Polyimide/graphene nanocomposite materials to construct a low resistive RPC. Journal of Instrumentation, 2016, 11(C11003).
[18]An, Fengpeng, Neutrino physics with JUNO. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2016, 43(3): 0-030401.(2区)
[19]韩然* 习宇飞 地球中微子——把脉地球内部热量. Modern Physics, 2016, 27(6): 43-46.
[20]William F. McDonough, Yufei Xi, Ran Han, Bold frontier in Chinese geoscience.
SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2015, 26(7): 1222-1224. (1区)
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