bet365网址 院长、教授、博士生导师;清华大学学士、硕士,美国加州大学伯克利分校博士,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室博士后;教育部高等学校核工程类专业教学指导委员会委员。
① 反应堆热工水力学;
② 液态铅或铅铋合金的固态氧控技术;
③ 小型堆安全壳传热、抑压、氢控及气溶胶过滤技术。
① 作为负责人,主持国家重大科研仪器研制项目“液态铅铋合金综合氧控系统的研制”;
② 作为负责人,主持国家自然科学基金重点项目“先进小型堆放射性气溶胶控制及其相关问题研究”;
③ 作为负责人,主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目“乏燃料嬗变系统中液态金属的固态氧控与纯化的实验研究”。
① 获2018年河北省科学技术二等奖(排名第一);
② 入选2009年度教育部新世纪优秀人才;
③国际期刊《Annals of Nuclear Energy》编委。
[1] Fenglei Niu, Xiaochao Du, Houbo Qi, et al., “Modeling analyses of radioactive aerosol flow and collection in mesoscopic impactor filters,” Progress in Nuclear Energy 88 (2016) 147-155.
[2] Fenglei Niu, Weiqian Zhuo, et al., “The studies of mixing and thermal stratification in SMR containments,” Nuclear Engineering and Design 298 (2016) 14–24.
[3] Jun Liu, Fenglei Niu*, Bilal Ahmad, et al., “Flow characteristics in the containment cooling pools of small modular reactors”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 133 (2019) 445–460.
[4] Tengfei Ma, Fenglei Niu*, Weiqian Zhuo, et al., "Modeling and experimental studies on air buoyant jets for application to small containments," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 109, November 2017, Pages 212-219.
[5] Niu, F., Zhao, H., Peterson, P. F., Woodcock, J., Henry, R. E., “Investigation of Mixed Convection in a Large Rectangular Enclosure,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 237, p. 1025-1032, (2007).
[6] Niu, F., Candalino, R., Li, N., “Effect of Oxygen on Fouling Behavior in Lead-Bismuth Coolant Systems,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 366, p. 216-222, (2007).
[7] Fenglei Niu, Li Tian, Yu Yu, et al., “Studies on flow instability of helical tube steam generator with Nyquist criterion”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 266, P. 63–69, (2014).
[8] Ruiting Dong, Fenglei Niu*, Yuan Zhou, et al., “Modeling analyses of two-phase flow instabilities for straight and helical tubes in nuclear power plants,” Nuclear Engineering and Design 307 (2016) 205–217.
[9] Fenglei Niu, Li Tian, Junnan Zhang, et al., “High Temperature Liquid Metal Corrosion and Its Thermal Hydraulic Effects in Spent Fuel Transmutation Systems,” Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, 2013.
[10] Weiqian Zhuo, Fenglei Niu*, Yungan Zhao, Jun Liu, " Hermeticity and tensile experiment of small plate-type SiC ceramic composites for advanced reactor applications," Annals of Nuclear Energy 110 (2017) 1098–1106.
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