2001年获美国University of Tennessee博士学位,讲授《核反应堆物理》、《核能专业英语》
① 核反应堆物理相关的热中子堆嬗(shàn)变技术研究、长寿命放射性核废物的嬗变研究。
[1] Bin Liu, Kai Wang, Jing Tu, Fang Liu, Liming Huang, Wenchao Hu, Transmutation of Minor Actinides in the Pressurized Water Reactors, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 64 (2014) 86-92.
[2] Bin Liu, Wenchao Hu, Kai Wang, Liming Huang, Xiaoping Ouyang, Jing Tu, Yangni Zhu,Transmutation of MA in the high flux thermal reactor, Journal of Nuclear Materials,437 (2013) 95–101.
[3]Fang Liu, Xiaoping Ouyang, Minghua Tang, Yongguang Xiao, Bin Liu, Xuebin Zhang, Yi Feng, Jinping Zhang and Jinliang Liu, Scaling-induced enhancement of X-ray luminescence in CsI(Na) crystals, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 102, 181107,(2013).
[4] Jinliang Liu, Fang Liu, Xiaoping Ouyang, Bin Liu, Liang Chen, The luminescence characteristics of CsI(Na) crystal under α and X/γ excitation, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 113, 023101 (2013).
[5] Liang Chen, Xiaoping Ouyang, Bin Liu, Jinliang Liu, Lin Quan, and Zhongbing Zhang, Compensational scintillation detector with a flat energy response for flash X-ray measurements, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 84, 013103 (2013).
[6] B Liu, et al, Monte Carlo N-particle simulation of neutron-based sterilization of anthrax contamination, The British Journal of Radiology, 85 (2012), e925–e932.
[7] Xuesong Li, Xiaoping Ouyang, Guanyi Wei, Jing Tu, Xiaobing Pan, Wenshou Zhang, Zibin Zhang, Bin Liu, Gas mass spectrum analysis of I-127 transmutation targets irradiated by Xi'an pulse reactor, Journalof Nuclear Science and Technology, 49, (2012) 90–95.
[8] Lei Lan, Ouyang Xiaoping, Tan Xinjian, Xia Liangbin, Cao Na, Liu Bin, Zhang Xiaodong, Priming effect on a polycrystalline CVD diamond detector under Co-60 g-rays irradiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 672 (2012) 29–32.
[9] Bin Liu, et al, The Comparison of MCNP Perturbation Technique with MCNP Difference Method in Critical Calculations, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240 (2010) 2005–2010.
[10] Bin Liu, et al, Elemental Analysis of Neutron Induced Gamma-ray Spectra for Detection of Hazardous Materials, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 165, 124-131, Jan 2009.
[11] Bin Liu, et al, Neutron Based Sterilization of Anthrax Contamination Health Physics, 90(5) suppl 2:S80-S84, May 2006.
[12] Bin Liu, et al, Two-body Dirac equations for nucleon-nucleon scattering, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 67, 024001, 2003.